Not quite complete. Please go to my GitHub for what I’m currently working on.
Pet Projects
- xjtuthesis: a set of canonical LaTeX templates for dissertations of Xi’an Jiaotong University, suitable for bachelors, masters and Ph.D.'s. I wrote my bachelor’s dissertation using this.
- kwin-maxmize-to-new-desktop: KWin script that moves fullscreened window to a new virtual desktop
- tensorflow-tbcnn: Tree-based Convolutional Neural Network for SQL Injection Detect
- QBencode: Bencode read and write support in Qt
- libtsm: My fork of Terminal-emulator State Machine
- kmscon: My fork of Linux KMS/DRM based virtual Console Emulator
Blog Related
- hexo-next-publist: Filterable publication list plugin for Hexo
- hexo-prism-plus: Better code block highlighting with Prism. Ported from [md-prism-highlight][]
- hexo-theme-next: Elegant theme for Hexo, my own forked version
- hexo-excerpt: My fork of automatic excerpt generator for Hexo
- PKGBUILDs: My customized Arch Linux PKGBUILD files
Old Projects
- Sublime-Assembly-GoAsm: A Sublime Text 3 plugin providing syntax highlighting for x86/x86-64 assembly code in GoAsm style.
- plocate: Locate implementation with extra filtering features, compatible with
format - python-realitymarble: config file version control written in python
- pac: Small wrapper around pacaur to mimic yaourts search feature. With various fixes
- pyplot_google_map: matlab function
ported to python - ClossANN: An implementation of cross entropy loss function in neural Network with a training GUI written in Qt. The code for my bachelor’s dissertation
- ACCompiler: A simple compiler front end which accepts a C-like gramma
- KinectControl: Control mouse using Kinect. May only work for pre-beta version of Kinect driver.
- PixelCube: 3D pixel painting game using LeapMotion
- Well-Formed-Formula-Analyzer: A simple analyzer which can check if the given WFF is valid and do a little calculate. Almost my very first project
- VRChat: VRChat source code for MHack
- TorrentMigrator: Move torrents download record between uTorrent and libtorrent based clients.
- 2048ASM: An 2048 game writen in goasm